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DMG Canvas 1.0.2 DMG编辑工具


  • 软件大小:1.7 MB
  • 更新时间:2009-11-18
  • 软件语言:简体中文
  • 软件授权:共享软件
  • 软件类型:国产软件
  • 插件状态:无插件
  • 官方网站:http://


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About DMG Canvas
DMG Canvas builds disk images from template documents that you create. Simply design your disk image’s appearance using the graphical editor and click Build. Each time you release a new version of your disk image, simply click Build again and DMG Canvas will pull together all of the latest versions of your files. DMG Canvas also allows you to specify the license agreements displayed when the disk image is mounted.

With DMG Canvas, you customize every aspect of your disk image, including:
- Window background
- Icon size and positions
- License agreements
- The volume’s name
- The volume’s icon
- The disk format
- Encryption
- Compression
- Internet Enabling

What’s New in this Version
- Files inside of DMG Canvas disk image documents are now also referenced relative to the document file. You can now move the document and contents files around while still maintaining the same relative path and it’ll continue to work.
- Properly unmounts and replaces existing disk images when you choose to replace when saving a disk image.

DMG Canvas 1.0.2 DMG编辑工具